My Story Wall Presentation – Elaine Fisher (Fishmama)

For our May meeting, we had a very small turnout (5 including myself), and I couldn’t have asked for a better group to participate in my Story Wall. My special thanks goes out to them.

Not being the most organized person in the world, I used visual aids to help with this presentation. (see Tim’s photos below) I displayed and moved around cards of the characters, location settings, and themes to help me explain my story. Even with the aids, my presentation tended to wander in different directions. The group guided me back to the important areas, I needed to concentrate on. My novel was written in the literary genre which allows more freedom, which worked in my favor, since my story was character driven.  So now I’m concentrating on developing more conflict to move my plot along centering on my main character, Madison. Everything should revolve around him, so some minor characters may be eliminated. I am revising my first part to give a better sense of the direction in which the story is going and build on from there.

This was my first NaNo and first year as a Journey member, so If I can do this story wall presentation, anyone can.





March Story Wall Experience – Jez

I greatly appreciated the input of those who participated in my story wall at the March Journey meeting. I had brought forward a YA science fiction novel that I am in the process of editing, hoping to focus on one chapter/element in particular which has given me significant issues in previous drafts.

I had gone into the exercise with little preparation, other than having known my story inside out from multiple drafts. I began by describing the world in which my story is set, then gave a description of four characters. I then gave a synopsis of the novel as a whole, then went into specifics on the first three chapters, leading up to the area where I was having difficulty. My biggest stumbling block was figuring out a way to get the two main characters into the same place and situation, but still feel natural. The group gave me excellent feedback on the novel and characters and provided me with a few different options for how to change the problem chapter.

My advice for members looking to participate in story walls in the future is to go into it with a good synopsis and know beforehand what your biggest issues are so that the group can better focus on them. I would say that one should not over-prepare or bog the listeners down with too many details, as these could distract from the actual issue. I brought up additional plot points and arcs as necessary in response to questions, but I think what made the exercise work for my particular group was that I needed new ideas and I allowed the group freedom to explore ideas without worrying how they may or may not affect other parts of my novel—that’s for me to work on after the story wall. I think it also helps to have a small, but dedicated group. Too large of a group and the participants can get off-topic or hung up on specific things, too small and there are less ideas to be pitched.

Overall, I think this was a very good exercise for me and my novel (especially at this stage in editing) because it allowed me to receive feedback from other writers on my novel as a whole (with some much-appreciated validation!), but it also allowed me to talk out some issues and receive new ideas on how to approach them. I think the best part for me, however, was receiving questions from the group, which made me focus on certain points, figure out things to explain better in the story, or to simply better explain my premise to the group.

Again, I am very thankful to my group and really appreciated the time they put in trying to help me work through this chapter. Your ideas were great and I can’t wait to play around with them and see which one ends up clicking into the story.

Workshop on Revising Your First Draft.

The Path to Publication   –   From First Draft to Self-Published Novel

The Writing Journey Workshop on Revision

Ready to create the second draft of your 2013 NaNo novel? Already started or still working on 2012? Mark your calendar. At the next Writing Journey meeting (Saturday February 8, from 11:30 AM-3 PM in the Lunch Room, Naperville Municipal Center, 400 S. Eagle Street, Naperville; as with other Journey meetings, bring your own lunch) Roger Lubeck is conducting a Workshop on Revising Your First Draft.

Going from first draft to a finished, publishable, novel takes a series of steps. It is a process of writing, revision, and editing. This workshop will examine the process of revising a first draft. Through presentation and hands-on activities, the workshop will explore character, scene, and dialogue development and revisions, using a story wall for plot adjustments, and the ARRR process of revision: Add, remove, replace, and rearrange.

In the workshop, participants will revise aspects of one of their unfinished novels. To facilitate these activities each attendee is asked to bring a copy of his/her novel, or copies of pages taken from his/her most recent (first) draft for the following workshop assignments:


  1.  Character. Bring a copy of the description of the main character (Protagonist) taken directly from the most recent draft (text only no bullet points). This should include the first time the character is described in the novel and page number. You can include later descriptions (pages) if they help. You can print the page and highlight text if you like.
  2. Location. Bring a copy of the description of a location or scene that is important to the story. The description is to be taken directly from the most recent draft (text only no bullet points). This should include the first time the location or scene is described in the novel. You can print the page and highlight if you like.
  3. Dialogue. Bring a sample of dialogue between the Main Character and another Main or Secondary character. The sample should be half a page or more with what you consider either your best scene of dialogue or a conversation that needs work.