With many thanks to Patti Naisbitt, Public Relations and Program Coordinator at Woodridge Public Library, the Writing Journey held its first meeting of 2016 in the beautifully renovated upstairs meeting room at the Woodridge Public Library. Twenty one people showed up and participated in the round table introduction and information sharing that took a bit more than the first hour.
I led, with help from Sam M. (samcadams), Sarah (anobi), Awnna (AwnnaMarie), Catherine (Cee-Bee), Ed (Fred Duck), and Jenny (Uniasus), the first workshop that defined the Journey, how it operated via member-led Paths, our shared internet resources, and the known Paths for 2016. These include:
- a Writer’s Voice workshop, June 4th, at Woodridge Public Library
- our 2016 short story and poetry anthology, themed to classic tales reimagined (edited by Awnna Marie Evans and Ellie Roth)
- our fun-filled Shakespeare Reader’s Theatre event, March 5th, at Glen Ellyn Public Library’s beautiful upstairs space
- monthly MiniWriMo events (write 10K words in 7 days), complete with small prizes (led by Sarah (anobi))
- book swaps, led by Sarah (anobi)
- Ed’s Japanesey and Asian paths that explore fine food and introduction to the cultures of Japan and Asia at unique restaurants, shops and other destinations around the area
- an outing to go see Heathers the Musical
- a writers workshop group, led by Catherine (Cee-Bee) (in-person critiquing of stories)
- the return of the popular Accountability Path, led by Todd (writertodd07)
- the 2016 Editing Path to help people edit a novel in a month (and perhaps beyond), led by Sam M.
- monthly Story Walls
- the Book-A-Month club, a book discussion Path led by Katherine (squiddish)
Thanks to our sponsors Woodridge Public Library and Glen Ellyn Public Library, all of our activities are free (beyond any costs people might incur themselves for meals or shows), as is membership in the Journey.
After this introductory presentation, Sam M. led a nice workshop on novel editing.

Afterwards, Sam M. went through his novel in the Story Wall process. Our talented Sam Brown illustrated this on the beautiful whiteboard:

Next month (February 27, 11:30 AM-3:30 PM at the Glen Ellyn Public Library), Jenny (Uniasus) will lead a workshop on querying and submitting work to magazines; and Sarah (anobi) will lead a workshop on character personalities (an aid to developing better characters). Sam B. and Ellie have volunteered for Story Walls (and we have room for 1-2 more).