My Story Wall Presentation – Elaine Fisher (Fishmama)

For our May meeting, we had a very small turnout (5 including myself), and I couldn’t have asked for a better group to participate in my Story Wall. My special thanks goes out to them.

Not being the most organized person in the world, I used visual aids to help with this presentation. (see Tim’s photos below) I displayed and moved around cards of the characters, location settings, and themes to help me explain my story. Even with the aids, my presentation tended to wander in different directions. The group guided me back to the important areas, I needed to concentrate on. My novel was written in the literary genre which allows more freedom, which worked in my favor, since my story was character driven.  So now I’m concentrating on developing more conflict to move my plot along centering on my main character, Madison. Everything should revolve around him, so some minor characters may be eliminated. I am revising my first part to give a better sense of the direction in which the story is going and build on from there.

This was my first NaNo and first year as a Journey member, so If I can do this story wall presentation, anyone can.
